Exceeding FDA Guidelines
To ensure premium quality, Rxify insists on utilizing accredited laboratories to formulate customized medications.

Any pharmacy can offer compounding as a service & there is no requirement for additional
training to compound. While the Food and Drug Administration has set guidelines for
compounding pharmacies to follow, these guidelines are rarely enforced and followed. To
ensure premium quality, Rxify insists on utilizing accredited laboratories to formulate
customized medications.
We believe that details matter; from the software to track and record formulations, raw
materials used, investment in equipment, laboratory environment, and finally testing to verify
medication samples.
Every process in the formulation of a customized medication is tracked.
Barcodes are scanned for verification and each weight measurements is recorded digitally as a
verification of potency. All of the raw ingredients used come from FDA registered facilities and
include a certificate of analysis verifying quality and purity.
While other pharmacies use spatulas and hand whisks to mix creams, our high-tech equipment
provides a consistent, evenly dispersed, finished product. By using accredited laboratories that
have earned a certification through PCAB, a service of ACHC ensures that the laboratory
environment a medication is made in, meets and exceeds FDA guidelines for formulating a
compounded medication.
Log into MyRxify.com for your patients personalized medication needs or ask your healthcare
provider about ordering your custom medications on myrxify.com